Advantages And Disadvantages Of Keyless Locks

Keyless locks are exactly what their name would indicate; instead of using a key to engage the lock, they make use of a touchpad to lock or unlock your door. This distinctive approach to home security naturally comes with a set of unique advantages and disadvantages. Understanding what those pros and cons are can help you determine if you should install keyless locks on your home's exterior doors.

Advantages of Keyless Locks

Convenience: The most important benefit associated with keyless locks is the fact that you will no longer have to remember to carry your keys with you when you leave home. This means that there is no risk of you locking yourself out or having to worry about replacing your locks in the event that your keys are stolen or lost somewhere outside of the home. Further, you can give guests access to your home without having to copy a key.

Easily Changed: As already mentioned, you can easily share your code with friends and family who may be visiting you at any time. However, this does not mean that your locks are less secure simply because people may overhear what the code is. Keyless locks can be reprogrammed in a very short amount of time, usually no more than a few minutes, allowing you to keep your home secure after renting it out or for any other reason that makes you believe that you should update the lock.

Disadvantages of Keyless Locks

Cost: The largest disadvantage associated with choosing a keyless lock is the fact that they can cost quite a bit more than their traditional keyed counterparts. This is because they are fundamentally more complex locks and require a power source, motor, and other parts that traditional locks simply do not have. While this can save you money over time by eliminating the need to contact a locksmith to have your locks replaced or rekeyed, the sizeable initial investment can make keyless locks less than ideal for homeowners with tighter budgets.

Wear: One other thing to keep in mind is the fact that the keypad will begin to show wear over time as the same combination is entered in again and again. This can make it possible for an intruder to guess their way into your home – which can be much easier than picking a lock. Of course, you can prevent this from happening by regularly changing the code, but it does represent an additional maintenance task that you need to complete.

Getting a keyless lock system installed may be the right choice for you and your home. Talk to a locksmith service like Carlsbad Village Lock & Key about your options. 
