Lock And Key Tips For Homeowners

The locks of a home can be the most important part of your security system. However, you will need to be mindful to avoid the mistake of overlooking these vital components of the home. Otherwise, you could leave the property exposed to a higher risk of suffering a break-in or other unwanted entry.

Consider Whether The Locks Should Be Relocated

The actual position of the locks on the doors will be another factor that individuals will need to consider. If the locks are located too close to a window, they may be vulnerable to individuals breaking the glass to be able to reach the lock from the inside. Fortunately, it may be possible to relocate the lock so that this will not be a threat. In some cases, this may not be possible, and if this is the case with the design of your door and lock, you may want to install an additional lock that is out of reach of the window.

Have A Professional Remove Broken Or Jammed Keys

Breaking off the key in the lock can be a problem that individuals may encounter at one time or another. This can be a fairly serious problem for the locks as you will be unable to release them. If you have a spare key, you may be tempted to try and force the broken part of the key out of the lock. However, this can be a dangerous move to make as it can greatly increase the risk of the lock suffering mechanical damage due to the pressures and forces that are created when trying to remove a key. A professional locksmith will have tools that can allow them to easily remove the broken part of the key, and they will even be able to release the lock. If needed these professionals can also create replacement keys for the one that was broken.

Appreciate The Benefits Of Smart Keys

Concerns about criminals being able to pick the lock can be a worry for many homeowners. Modern smart keys can help to reduce this risk as they will often incorporate a transponder signal. In order for the lock to release, the key must fit and this signal must be present. While it may still be possible for these locks to be forced open, it will be far more difficult, and it can reduce the ability of a person to be discrete while they are attempting to breach it.

If you have problems with your locks and keys, contact a locksmith.
