2 Mistakes To Avoid When You Are Locked Out Of Your House

While stepping outside into your yard for a moment, you may have unknowingly locked the door and left the key inside. After checking the other doors, you may have found them to be locked, leaving you looking for ways to get inside. While you are attempting to regain entry into your house when you are locked out, make sure that you do not make the mistakes below.

1.  Trying to Use Any Object in the Lock to Turn It

One mistake that you should avoid making when trying to get back into your home is using any object besides your key into the lock. While you may have read or heard that using a butter knife or needle-nose pliers could allow you to turn the tumble enough to unlock the door.

The tumbler inside of the lock is precisely matched to the teeth on your key. There are several layers inside of the tumbler that must surround the key and move in unison in order to release the lock.

However, if you attempt to put something else into the lock to move the tumbler, you may be able to move the first layer or so, but you will end up forcing the others. Even if you do get the door unlocked, the lock will most likely be damaged, will cease to work properly, and will need to be replaced.

2.  Attempting to Pry Your Windows Open Unless You Know They Are Unlocked

Since you know that you should not attempt to unlock the door using objects, you may turn your attention toward getting into your house through a window. After checking and finding that all of the windows are locked, you may be tempted to try to pry one open.

If you try to pry a window open even if the lock is only party latched, you will probably end up breaking the frame or window sill in the process. You may even end up shattering the glass and potentially cutting yourself. It is better to call a locksmith for help than risking property damage or possible injury.

Unless you are facing an extreme situation, such as having an unattended infant in your home, you should not make the mistakes above that could lead to damage which will need to be repaired. Instead, call a locksmith who offers lockout services, explain your situation, and ask them to come to your home as soon as possible. 
